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19/10/2020 4:23 pm
To the Octopus I am proud to announce that I have added the Blokas Midihub and the Conductive labs NDLR. Both are great companions, make sure you check them out on Youtube.
22/10/2020 1:10 am
Cool, I've got the NDLR. My latest kit is the Toraiz Squid and the Doepfer Dark Energy mkI.
The NDLR has long cables so I can pull it out to the back of the room. The Squid's wheelhouse seems to be short sequences of a few bars, so don't pick one up if you want a MIDI recording device - I have the Octopus for that.
22/10/2020 1:11 am
Single Oscillator, slice and dice, looping section.
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23/10/2020 4:58 pm
Nice one!