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Labeling on Octopus buttons and knobs?

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 27
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There are quite a few labels on the octpopus panel that i have failed to see mentioned in the past and i would love to know if anyone has insight into this:


1. above the top row of the grid step 1 and 2 are labeled r1 and r2, step 15 and 16 are labeled r3 and r4?


2. the outer circle have roman numeral designators that i dont believe are mentioned in the manual?


3. there is an ALL LED below the left column of MIX knobs?


4a. there is an ALL LED with two symbols around is below the right column of EDIT knobs?


4b. the symbals around the ALL LED are next to VEL, PIT, LEN, STA, and POS knobs


5. MCC LED above the EDIT button?


ive been using this sequencer for years and have just never really payed attention to these things and am just not fully sure what they mean or do. 

Joined: 4 years ago
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just wanted to bump this message in case anyone has any insight to it

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Posts: 63

Hi, I’m not in front of the Octopus 🐙 at the moment and I know this isn’t super useful but I think the gist of it is that the front panel was printed before the operating system was fully realized/implemented. I’m sure there was a list of design ideas and some of them didn’t make it in - hence extra labels that have no UI function. Some of the obscure LEDs are just indicators while buttons are held down, or when a selection is activated. I don’t think you’ve missed any subtle modes or interactions. 
