How do we make emai...
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How do we make email subscriptions easy for everyone?

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It looks like we need to subscribe (email), per-forum. Currently, there are 11 forums. Maybe we should trim that down. The tradeoff is being less organized with more participation. Given that we have a relatively finite set of members, here are my candidates. Let's chat about it and use this topic as an opportunity to play with the forum software. We can also use "Sticky Topics" as a way to announce things. If we'd like to just have one forum.

  • Announcements
  • General

radar liked
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Posts: 29

Yeah if you subscribe only to one topic Announcements  is the one to use (for OS / docs updates).  We can of course also publish announcements via the mailing list.

Re. User exchange and Support there will be lots of useful historical posts under these headings that I hope we'll be  able to migrate here (the old forum was bbpress, for which there are migration tools), but I agree lets focus and remove the Octopus / Nemo sub forums and rely on clear topic naming if there is a platform distinction?  Although there are platform specific features there is such a large amount of intersection.


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So far, I haven't received any subscription emails - I also checked my spam folder. Maybe this is something that needs to be set up with the forum software. I can use my RSS reader if it turns out to be a dead end. I'll take this on as something to investigate.

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My RSS reader isn't picking up new topics and still no email. I went through the settings and it appears that I should be receiving emails. @eellis <- I believe this should also send me an email.

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Under "My Profile" in the menu bar, under "Subscriptions", you have the option to subscribe to all topics and posts. I'm not sure if that means that you still need to subscribe to individual forums. I'll wait for someone to post something so that I can confirm that email is working, now that I have checked the box.

Subscription Manager

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FYI - I am now receiving emails for everything. 
